
Social Media

 Connect with us on our Social Media channels


We want you, the supporters, to be as close to the action as possible and be part of our great Club. To allow you to stay in touch with all things Derbyshire, we run a wide range of social media channels reaching over a million people a month.

Twitter and Facebook are the best places for supporters to receive live up-to-date coverage of all First XI fixtures, as well as regular updates from Second XI matches. Highlights from every day of Derbyshire’s four-day campaign can be viewed on Twitter and Facebook, and by subscribing to our YouTube channel.  On Instagram, cricketderbyshire is the place to find action shots from all matches plus behind the scenes pictures all year round.

So join over 200,000 people who follow us across our social media channels and get closer to the action. All our social media channels can be found via links at the top of this article.

Six top tips for bringing the spirit of cricket to social media

In association with Cricket Derbyshire’s Social Media Adviser; Dr Zaheer Hussain, Lecturer in Psychology at the University of Derby.

Social Media is a brilliant communication tool for anybody that plays, watches or has in interest in cricket in Derbyshire.

The Club, for example, has over 70,000 Twitter followers and shares match updates, results, reaction and discussion with supporters.

The interactions we receive are overwhelmingly constructive and positive. Long may they continue and – providing a little common sense is shown – there is no need for anyone to be afraid of posting.

Cricket Derbyshire has developed 6 top tips to help cricket supporters make the most of social media and judge what is and is not appropriate.

Hit social media abuse for 6! Six questions to ask before you post or share 

  1. Would saying this be acceptable if I was attending a cricket match in person? Remember, it just isn’t cricket to show a lack of respect.
  1. Would I want my boss, my family or my coach to see this? “Views expressed are my own” won’t stop them being embarrassing or change the opinions they form.
  1. Would a newspaper publish this? If the answer is no, it probably breaks libel or defamation law.
  1. Am I 100% certain this is acceptable? If in doubt, leave it out.
  1. Before sharing or retweeting, would I write this myself and do I endorse it? If the answer is no, don’t share it. By retweeting or sharing, you might as well be posting it yourself.
  1. How would I feel if someone wrote this about me? If you wouldn’t like it, don’t post it.


We hope you’ll never need to refer to this, but below is our policy for dealing with malicious communications.


Insulting, offensive, obscene, injurious or false content can be dangerous and harmful to people’s wellbeing and reputation as well as bringing Cricket Derbyshire into disrepute.

We will not tolerate any malicious communications, harassment or discrimination through social media.

Do not use social media to make malicious, insulting, offensive, obscene or false statements regarding our players, coaches, officials, staff, volunteers or spectators.

This applies regardless of whether

(i)             You are posting yourself or sharing someone else’s post.

(ii)            The individual is tagged in the post or not

(iii)           The communication is by word, photograph, video or any other form.

(iv)           The post is anonymous or not. If we can trace it back to you, we will act.


The Six Top Tips are there to prevent the below!

However, if you are found to have acted improperly on social media regarding a Cricket Derbyshire related matter, or towards any of our players, coaches, officials, staff, volunteers or spectators, you risk any or all of the following:

  • An indefinite ban from all grounds, venues, buildings and events connected with the Club.
  • Legal proceedings under the Malicious Communications Act
  • Civil action under libel law
  • Punishment, including possible bans, deemed appropriate by the disciplinary committee of Cricket Derbyshire affiliated leagues.
  • Sanctions imposed by league disciplinary committees on the recreational club with which you are registered.


Derbyshire County Cricket Club, Derbyshire County Cricket Board and all aspects of the recreational game within Derbyshire including league competitions.


If you have witnessed a breach of this Code of Conduct and wish to make a complaint, email [email protected]. Best to block the person posting too!

PS – Keep your login details secure! You’re responsible for what’s posted from your profile whether you wrote it or not.

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