Derbyshire County Cricket Club is to hold a Fireworks spectacular on Saturday 5 November following talks with Derby City Council that will ensure the City has a Bonfire Night event.
Chief Executive, Simon Storey, made the announcement at the Club’s annual Marketing Derby Bondholder Breakfast event in the 3aaa Pavilion.
Storey said: “When budget pressures meant that Derby City Council could not financially sustain the traditional event in Markeaton Park, we immediately approached the Council to offer an alternative venue.
“We have terrific facilities here at 3aaa County Ground and the stadium will provide a safe and enjoyable environment for all the family to enjoy a fireworks display in the heart of Derby.
“We are already looking forward to the Fireworks spectacular which will help towards our ambition to be a 365-day-a-year venue for cricket, conferences and community events.”
“We will have to introduce an entrance free to help cover our costs associated with the event, but we are confident the display and entertainment will be spectacular.
“As a purpose-built events venue, we hope to offer a number of different options for travelling and parking. We are also able to offer different types of tickets so that spectators can choose to stand, sit or even make an evening of it and watch the display from the comfort of our 3aaa Pavilion where Saturday evening dinner and hospitality packages will be available.
“Similar events at cricket clubs around the country regularly attract over 5,000 people and we expect our event to be every bit as popular. It is sure to be a great opportunity for Derby to get together and we hope to make the fireworks at 3aaa County Ground an annual event in the City’s calendar.
Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Communities and City Centre Regeneration, Martin Rawson said: “I am delighted to have been able to work closely with Derbyshire County Cricket Club in order to deliver an alternative Bonfire Night event.
“I am looking forward to what I’m sure will be a great evening.”
More information about the event will be announced in due course.
Derbyshire CCC Membership for 2016 is on sale. Purchase online at, in person at The 3aaa County Ground or by calling 0871 350 1870.