Speaking at last night’s Members’ Forum at Darley Dale Cricket Club, Chairman Chris Grant signalled the need to look at the current Supervisory Board structure as the Club looks to modernise its governing group.
Grant said: “Having completed six seasons as your Chairman, it’s gratifying to feel the same level of enthusiasm for the coming 2017 campaign, despite the obvious onset of winter.
“The past six years have been a roller coaster ride for the Club on the field because despite the success of 2012, we’ve been unable to sustain the levels of performance that we would have liked.
“However, with Kim Barnett now at the helm – and he is assuredly the most qualified person to talk about success against the odds in county cricket – we are looking for greater accountability from the players for their performances and for something to cheer about on the field next season.
“Add John Wright into the mix for the NatWest T20 Blast tournament, together with the new signings we’ve already announced and more to come, we now feel that we have the right blend of experience on and off the field cricket-wise to improve.
“Off the field, we’ve made huge strides at Derbyshire in terms of the venue – whilst retaining a commitment to take cricket to Chesterfield.
“Last weekend’s Fireworks Night spectacular, which was attended by over 10,000 people, the securing of the ICC Women’s World Cup and the Elton John concert, all demonstrate that the Club is getting a lot more things right off the field.
“As you will remember, in early 2013, Members voted to allow a more streamlined and effective governance of the Club.
“Out went the unwieldy 15-man committee, and in came a six-man Supervisory Board. Each Director now has a role, with that role defined and set out within the Club’s rules.
“But when I say ’15-man’ and ‘six-man’, I speak quite precisely, because the old committee and the current Supervisory Board was, and still is, a ‘men only’ domain.
“This is going to have to change because all sports in the UK – especially where there is any form of government funding – will have to re-think their governance in the near future to more accurately reflect the society we live in, and the Membership we represent.
“So, those groups not currently represented on our Supervisory Board will all be expected to be a part of our governing group. This will be legislated by government and we need to be ready for such changes.
“Accordingly, one of the things I’m keen to oversee this winter, is a further examination of our board structure. Do we need additional directors? Are there skills gaps on the board which we need to fill, if only temporarily?
“For example, we have no one with experience of local government or the media and yet these are important parts of our business.
“As you know, we have said farewell recently to two directors, Sir John Gains and Kevin Dean and their departures, combined with the need to modernise, means that we have an opportunity to look once again at some governance changes.
“These will not be huge, wholesale changes, just some tinkering with the existing rules to ensure that we are up to date and as ready to deal with the challenges of the next decade as we possibly can be.”