
Yorkshire Vikings (18 July) Latest Ticket Update

Thursday 24th June 2021
& News
Photography by: David Griffin

Following the Club’s confirmation that the Vitality Blast fixture versus Yorkshire Vikings (18 July) has been moved to The Incora County Ground, we are now able to provide the below update on tickets.

Further detail on the change of venue can be found here.

All tickets for the fixture are now off-sale and further information for Members and current ticket-holders is detailed below.


Due to the change in venue and a vastly reduced capacity from the usual sell-out crowd at Queen’s Park, the Club will issue refunds to all ticket-buyers (including Members deposits). You do not need to contact the Club for the refund to be actioned.

Refunds are being processed now and please allow 10 working days for this to reach you.

Ticket Guarantee & Priority Order

Tickets for the new venue and capacity, including social distancing restrictions, will be made available via our ticket priority order as outlined below.

All 2021 match tickets are backed by our Ticket Guarantee. The priority order for tickets in the event of restricted capacities is: Members, Blast Pass Holders, 2020 ticket deferrals, 2021 ticket buyers by date of purchase. The Club has capacity to accommodate all Members and Blast Pass holders, however we ask that you only claim a ticket should you be able to attend.

Derbyshire Members

Derbyshire Members can claim a free ticket to attend the fixture from 9am on Thursday 24 June until 5pm on Sunday 27 June.

All Members should now have received either an email or letter (where email is not available) with instructions on how to claim their ticket. If you have not received either, please contact the Club via [email protected] or 01332 388 101 to request this information. Please note, Members cannot claim a ticket over the phone.

Members will not be able to claim a ticket after the above exclusivity period.

If you are a Derbyshire Member who has already claimed your ticket, you do not need to take any further action. Your ticket remains valid. If you are now unable to attend, please inform the Club so we can re-allocate your ticket to another supporter.

Blast Pass Holders

All Blast Pass holders will be able to claim a ticket via the same methods as Members. The window for Blast Pass Holders will also be from 9am on Thursday 24 June until 5pm on Sunday 27 June.

2020 Ticket Deferrals

If you deferred your 2020 Vitality Blast ticket to the Yorkshire Vikings fixture in 2021, your ticket remains valid and you do not need to take any further action. If you are no longer able to attend, please inform the Club.

2021 Ticket Buyers

Any remaining tickets following the allocation of Members, Blast Pass Holders and 2020 ticket deferrers, will be made available for purchase to 2021 ticket-buyers by purchase date. If you are able to purchase tickets, we will contact you via email with details of how to buy your tickets. This will be after the Members window detailed above.

Once capacity is reached, the Club will contact all other original ticket buyers to confirm a sell-out and ensure you are registered for priority access to tickets in 2022.

General Ticket Information

A restricted capacity will be in operation as per the Stage 3 guidance for sports venues and all ticket-buyers will be allocated a seat by the Club.

The Club will allocate all seating and if you have purchased a ticket for this season’s Vitality Blast in Derby, we will try and select a seat in a similar area, however this cannot be guaranteed.

To request a specific seat for supporters with accessibility needs, please email [email protected] when claiming your ticket.

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