
Watch: Falcons Golf Challenge

Wednesday 12th June 2024
& News

Falcons players, Brooke Guest and Aneurin Donald, visited Breadsall Priory, to try their hand at a series of golf challenges.

Normally known for their big-hitting on a cricket field, the duo put their power to the test with a longest drive challenge, before showing off their placement by seeing who could get closest to the pin. The challenge took place on Breadsall Priory‘s new Golf Simulator, which is available to book now.

The Falcons are in contention for a place in the knockout stages, having already picked up home wins over Leicestershire Foxes and Notts Outlaws, with a pair of games at The County Ground this weekend against Northants Steelbacks (Friday) & Birmingham Bears (Sunday).

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Freddie the Falcon tries golf! 

It wasn’t just players who gave golf a go at Breadsall Priory, as our friendly mascot, Freddie the Falcon, also got his clubs out ahead of Family Day this Sunday!

The two-time Finals Day Mascot Race winner attempted a bullseye challenge, as well as a round of virtual crazy golf!

Freddie will be at The County Ground on Sunday, to entertain supporters young and old, as The Blaze face South East Stars, before the Falcons take on Birmingham Bears in in the Vitality Blast.

Vitality Blast is back! Buy tickets in advance to save.

Group discounts are also available for bookings of five adults or more!

OPPONENT Date, Time & Venue Book
Fri 14 June; 7pm, The County Ground Buy Tickets
Birmingham Bears
(double-header with The Blaze)
Sun 16 June; 4pm, The County Ground Buy Tickets
Yorkshire Vikings  (Sold out in 2017, 2018, 2019, 2022 & 2023) Sun 7 July; 2.30pm, Queen’s Park, Chesterfield Buy Tickets
Lancashire Lightning Thur 11 July; 7pm, The County Ground Buy Tickets
Durham Fri 19 July; 7pm, The County Ground Buy Tickets
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