
New role to strengthen current Derbyshire operating model

Thursday 5th July 2018
& News
Written by Danny Painter

As Derbyshire, and every first-class county, prepares to receive an additional £1.3m per year from the new ECB broadcast deal from 2020-2024, the Supervisory Board decided at its last meeting to appoint a new Head of Cricket.

The new position will strengthen the Club’s cricketing structure and ensure that the Club is prepared to retain its best players and be able to compete more consistently on the field.

Chairman, Ian Morgan said: “The Club has made significant progress in the last two seasons, qualifying for our first Twenty20 quarter-final in a decade, competing strongly in the one-day format and winning matches at home and away in the Championship.

“We are far more competitive on the pitch and we have a more empowered group of senior players. And our Development Coach, Mal Loye, is working more closely with the Derbyshire Cricket Board with the aim of developing our own players.

“However, it was clear that there was a need for more clarity in reporting lines and clearer lines of responsibility. It was also felt that a new Head of Cricket needed to have full accountability for cricket strategy and budgets.

“Our cricket budget has increased by almost 40% since 2012. With the new broadcast funds arriving in 2020, we predict that our cricketing budget will grow further to ensure that we can develop and retain our best talent. Finally, it was felt that we need to enhance our support for the development of our younger players who are so key to our future.”

The new role of Head of Cricket will report to the Chief Executive and be responsible for:

  • Identifying, recruiting and managing the playing squad in close consultation with the Captain who will report to the Head of Cricket and who will continue to play a strong leadership role.
  • Overseeing the support agencies – there is a dedicated team of coaches and an expert science and medicine team who will report to the Head of Cricket but will work directly with the Captain and players.
  • Setting salary strategy and structures, negotiating contracts and with the Chief Executive have full control of the cricket budget.
  • Sitting on the Club’s senior leadership team to ensure that cricket remains at the heart of the Club’s commercial business decisions.

Morgan added: “It is a cricket strategy and leadership role rather than an active coaching role and therefore will require significant expertise of both cricket management and administration. The appointment strengthens the current model.

“One of the first tasks of the Head of Cricket will be to finalise the strategy for player recruitment and salaries in the new world when increased broadcast media revenues come on-stream.

“The new injection of ECB monies in 2020-2024 gives counties like Derbyshire a big opportunity to compete with the larger counties. We need to be in a position to retain our best players – especially Derbyshire produced players – who can win us matches and that will mean measured increases to our cricket budget.

“We also need to see more local talent breaking through. Mal Loye is doing some great work in the pathway and we will need to increase our investment in this area too.

“This all needs to be balanced with the continued need to invest in our stadium facilities for Members, spectators and corporate guests since this will drive revenues in the long term. And we will also need to use this opportunity to reinforce the Club’s long-term financial sustainability by building a reserve fund and ensuring the Club’s pays off our agreed borrowings.”

The Supervisory Board approved the new Head of Cricket at the Supervisory Board meeting last month and determined that the Club should follow due process and advertise the role. The recruitment process will begin shortly.

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