
Governance Review

Derbyshire County Cricket Club – Governance Review

June 2020 Update.

First and foremost, I hope you and your families continue to stay safe and well during these unprecedented times.

At the time of writing, discussions are still ongoing with regards to a possible 1 August start date for the 2020 season which will hopefully include both red ball and white ball cricket.

It is still unclear how this will look and whether spectators will be allowed into the ground, but the ECB are working very closely with the government and sharing regular updates with all first-class counties. There is still a lot to be decided but, hopefully, by the end of this month we will know more and we will obviously communicate to Members as soon as any decisions are made.

To try and ensure we keep you as up-to-date as possible with how things are progressing, we have been hosting monthly Virtual Members’ Forums. The next Forum is scheduled for Thursday 25 June at 7pm and I would encourage all Members to join if they are able to do so. These are exclusive to 2020 Members and give you the chance to ask any questions you may have on cricket or non-cricketing matters connected with the club.

If you need further details, please don’t hesitate to contact the club on 01332 388 101 or email [email protected].

Governance Review Update 

As indicated in my letter/email to Members at the end of April, the Supervisory Board’s Governance Group has been tasked with assessing the changes we need to make to the Club Rules and our governance structure to ensure we are compliant with the ECB’s Governance Framework for first-class counties.

With over 50 per cent of our income coming directly from the ECB – and the potential to apply for additional funding via both the Infrastructure Investment Fund and Community Investment Fund – it is essential that we make the appropriate changes and fully comply with the ECB’s requirements for the future of our club.

In total 17 Members responded with comments to the proposals, the majority of which were very supportive. There were however, a small number of suggested amends and improvements to the proposals that have been carefully considered by the Governance Group.

This consultation with Members has been very valuable and I would like to thank all of the members for their comments. I believe some of the recommendations will improve what we have proposed and allow us to make the appropriate amends to Club Rules and comply with the ECB’s Governance Framework.

A copy of the current Club Rules was mailed to you in April, while a digital version is available at

Governance Timeline

As indicated in my previous letter, fortunately much of Derbyshire’s rules and governance already complies with much of the bronze and silver requirements and even some of the gold standards, but the Governance Group has concluded, and the Supervisory Board agrees, that we must make some changes to the Club Rules and the culture, practice and modus operandi of the Board to achieve full compliance.

Despite the Covid-19 situation, the ECB has suggested there will be no flexibility with the February 2022 deadline for compliance with the minimum ‘silver standards’, therefore it is essential that we progress with this Governance Review.

The main focus of the of the Supervisory Board is to make essential changes to the Club Rules this year in time for next year’s Annual General Meeting to ensure the club’s Board structure meets the required standards.

The new Board will then have the appropriate time to focus on other elements of culture and good practice to be introduced during 2021 ahead of the ECB’s February 2022 deadline.

Having reviewed the feedback and comments from Members, the Governance Group will share their thoughts and recommendations for approval by the Supervisory Board.

Once any recommendations and amends are approved by the Supervisory Board, if appropriate, a revised proposal for changes to the Club Rules will be shared with the Members with details of the appropriate voting / governance process as detailed in the existing Club Rules.

2020 Annual General Meeting and Special General Meeting  

Due to the ongoing Covid-19 situation, it has not been possible to host the 2020 Annual General Meeting as was intended and any proposed changes to the Club Rules will also require a Special General Meeting (SGM).

The ECB recently held their Annual General Meeting virtually and, if Government restrictions do not change significantly in the near future, the Supervisory Board may decide that hosting either or both of the club’s AGM and SGM virtually later this summer may be the best course of action to meet the appropriate timescales. We will communicate all decisions with Members, allowing sufficient time for all necessary preparations to hold a virtual AGM.

Once again, I would like to thank all Members who provided their feedback on the proposed changes.  These changes to our Governance structure are essential to safeguard our funding from the ECB, and of course to our plans to redevelop The Incora County Ground, and I would therefore encourage you all to take part in the vote as and when appropriate.

Thank you as always for your ongoing support, I hope to see you at the next Members’ Forum and best wishes to you and your families during these challenging times.

Kind regards,

Ian Morgan

Principal Partner & Ground Sponsor
Official Partners