

Thank you for choosing to extend your support of Derbyshire County Cricket Club.

Below is a reminder of your chosen option. Please complete the short form below to confirm your choice before 14 August 2020.

Option 2: Deferral: Defer Membership to 2021, losing 2020 rights

  • I wish to defer my 2020 Membership to 2021 at no extra cost
  • I wish to surrender my 2020 Membership rights and benefits
  • I will automatically become a 2021 Member on 1 October 2020, valid for the full Membership term
  • If I no longer qualify for Junior Membership in 2021 (must be aged 15 or under on 1 April 2021) then I will receive a £20 discount on Age 16-21/Student Membership (full price £55).

The deadline for this option has now passed.

Principal Partner & Ground Sponsor
Official Partners