Oxford UCCE

Jo Franco-Wheeler

Jo has served on the supervisory board for three years with accountability for EDI, safeguarding and HR. During that time she has:

  • Provided invaluable advice on many HR matters to the senior staff and HR and Wellbeing manager, including a systematic review of and updates to the club policies and procedures
  •  Created the club’s EDI plan and delivered EDI training across the club, enabling us to avoid thousands of pounds in fees to an external provider
  • Lent her expertise to the club’s response to the ICEC report, supporting DCCC in understanding the findings and devising actions to address them.
  • Influenced and advised the ECB on EDI policy, approach and activities, and is a trusted advisor to the ECB EDI team, including being asked to join an EDI panel at this year’s ECB AGM.
  • As the board member accountable for safeguarding, worked with our safeguarding officer to put in place a structure of regular reporting to the board and led DCCC through a highly successful safeguarding audit. DCCC is considered to be leading practice in this area.
  • Partnered with DCF on EDI and safeguarding to ensure we collaborate and share leading practice.
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